This morning I was driving to work and happened to rear end somebody. I am not going to lie and say it wasn't my fault but I will say for sure that I am not happy with the other driver. This experience came with the worst timing. I have been having a troubling few months. I just started a new job that I am not very good at, I have struck out with the ladies, I am broke, and now I get into a car accident. On top of it I am having these splitting headaches. Just the icing on the... the straw that broke the.... the last.... There are so many cliches that I could use here but I am not sure how it could get any worse.
So this evening I was praying that God would provide a way out. I need to get a new job and get some money and a car. I was talking to my mom about all these issues and praying at the same time I was praying that God would show me a sign. Mid phone call I received another phone call. It was from a guy that wanted to purchase my surfboard. I believe it was God helping me get some cash. Then my friend Tony called and said I could use his car for as long as I want. Two of my biggest concerns were handled for me. I guess all things do work out when you lean on God.
So cliches are there for a reason.
When life hands you lemons, make grape juice, sit back, and let the world wonder how you did it.
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