Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Colorado Kid

I have recently returned to Colorado to live with my parents for a few weeks and pay off some loans. Today my father asked me to work with him instead of golfing. He wanted me to work on Sunday because it was the only time he was around to give me instruction. I agreed and we went to work. He gave me a list of things to do and then promptly left to the nursery to pick up some plants. He was gone all day. Interesting.

So anyways, I worked in the yard and it felt good to be back. My dad finally come back and bet me $75 that he could lose more weight than me in three weeks. I instantly agreed and I know I am going to win this money. I hope he doesn't weigh himself with like lead in his stomach or something. He has been known to cheat on diets. I am not really looking to diet as much as I am trying to eat healthier. The first meal my mother made for me when I got back was macaroni and cheese. Not ideal.

So I grabbed a drink out of the fridge and my nephew wanted some of it but he wouldn't ask me nicely so I said no and he threw a fit. He cried and cried and then came back after he had gathered his composure and asked for the drink nicely. I had no desire to give it to him but I did anyways and now I feel like a pushover.

Well, I will leave you with this, I went over and saw an old friend and she has a kid now but she is single and extremely gorgeous. She brought up our childhood and how me and my friends would push her down and make fun of her. I denied it (though it may be true even though I didn't have many friends growing up). I didn't know what else to say. Her daughter then punched my nephew in the eye and I told her she had to lock her baby up and they couldn't play with us anymore. My nephew cried and then ate flan. Good day.

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